Now, click on the Download Now button to get the Logitech G29 driver file downloaded to your computer.After you enter the Getting Started screen, select Downloads from the left pane.Search for Logitech G29 Driving Force Racing Wheel and select it from the results.Select Downloads from the options that appear.Firstly, navigate to the official website of Logitech.Once you have noted the required details, you may follow these steps to download the driver. However, before downloading the Logitech G29 driver from there, you should check your computer’s make and model through the path Settings>System>About. Logitech’s official website is a place where you can find drivers for all its products, including your racing wheel. Method 1: Get the Logitech G29 Driver from the Official Website Logitech G29 Driver Downloaded, Installed, and Updated Methods to Download Logitech G29 Driver, Install, and Update Itīelow are the methods you can follow to download, install, and update the Logitech G29 drivers for your Windows 10/11 PC.